Trenton R-9 School Board Approves Budget Amendment for 2022-2023

The Trenton R-9 School Board approved an amendment to the 2022-2023 budget on September 13th.
Superintendent Daniel Gott reported that new money added to the budget totaled $337,640.74, adding $158,950 to money spent.
The proposed amendments include expected increases in taxes collected, summer school contract services to be billed, special education contract services, projected state wrestling costs, football official contracts, and reimbursements for middle school equipment. , and additional travel costs were included. Director of Special Education. Other budget modifications include adjustments to each principal’s dues, adjustments to invoices from Apple Bus for summer school transportation services, increased miscellaneous transportation costs, increased early childhood special education and kindergarten treats, mentoring and education It included the addition of salary costs for Scholarships for employees working on the curriculum, and retention grants for elementary and middle school emergency relief teachers.
The board approved the bus route. Gott reported that an updated route was provided to him by Apple Bus on Sept. 13. He said a new driver was hired by the bus company on Sept. 12, and three drivers are due to test him on Sept. 14. He pointed out that the route would likely be modified.
A physical therapy contract with Wolf Therapy Team LLC has been approved. Treatment consultants will be paid $75 per hour for services rendered and $75 per hour for travel.
Gott reported that the Trenton R-9 had a physical therapist contracted through Wright Memorial Hospital, but the hospital did not currently have physical therapists available in the school district. He said Wolf Therapy reached out to him and was comparable.
Joy Bridges, Trenton Middle School’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Advisor, presented medals to Caleb Ray and Caleb Shell at the Star Event Nationals in San Diego, California. The two students placed him 16th nationally and won the silver medal.
Bridges said he gave a presentation on food preservation. The requirements included preparing meals that could be ready within 30 minutes. Their meal was called Snack Attack Chicken and Chips.
Director of Academic Doctor Jill Watkins provided an update on the comprehensive school improvement plan. She started adding links to documents. This document is posted on the Trenton R-9 website.
A plan is in place to help you achieve your CSIP goals. Any specific changes must be approved by the Board.
Watkins reported that 83 out of 100 certified teachers have attended the Missouri Teacher Development System Summer Curriculum Scholarships. Teachers can record up to 20 hours at $24.50 per hour for a total of $490.
Post-survey data showed that 44.3% of participants attended Risler Elementary School, 28.6% attended Trenton High School, and 27.1% attended Trenton Middle School.
According to Watkins, the data shows that teachers value rewards for time spent preparing the next grade’s curriculum over the summer.
She said the feedback from 17 certified teachers who did not participate in the scholarship was honest. Some feel the work they did this summer shouldn’t have been turned in, others feel they haven’t made any money, and others were new and didn’t know what to do. He commented that one teacher said he didn’t want to work over the summer.
Gott reported that guidance on the career ladder was sent out late last month, but there were no major changes. On the career ladder he has three steps. Step 1 is $1,500 for certified teachers with 2 years of experience, Step 2 is $3,000 for 3+ years, and Step 3 is $5,000 for 5+ years.
Gott said the Trenton R-9 will cost about $205,000. He pointed out that the state calls it a 60/40 subsidy, but it’s actually 50/50 because it pays for retirement.
He reported that the career ladder was going to be tough this year, but if he had another year of grant money left, he could put it in next year’s budget. We thought that if possible, we should work on providing it to our staff next year.
Gott reported that students at Grand River Technical School are working on secondary locks for each classroom on the Trenton R-9. This project is for a fee and costs the school district about $400.
He said the idea for a secondary lock came from a safety meeting with local law enforcement at the beginning of the school year.
The first emergency drill is scheduled. Drills include the September 16th fire, the September 20th tornado, the September 29th SafeDefend, and the October 20th earthquake as part of the Great American Shake Out.
Gott reported that individual Missouri Assessment Program scores were sent to families.District-wide scores are prohibited until December. Another report will be released in the spring.
Watkins noted that there is no comparative score for this year. She believes the spring report will include growth points.
The board has entered closed sessions for student affairs and staff.
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